3-4 June 2017

David Goldenberg, Edward Dorrian, Esther Planas, Marc Hulson,
Mark R Taylor, Marsha Bradfield, Neil Ferguson, Sally Morfill,
SE Barnet, Seth Guy


Open Call Deadline 1 February 2018



Five Years are about to start another call-for-proposals project *
…a potentially sprawling thing looking for contributions to a printed/ on-line publication and programme of events which will consider critically the idea of how and why groups organise themselves… but before we do… as a kind of preliminary event…

I was wondering if there’s anyone that wants to… informally discuss in the gallery/space at Five Years the issue of what might be at stake in these kind of projects. The problems and potential value. So… if you have views and experience you’d like to share in conversation… about ‘being together’ in a potentially egalitarian and radically collective project... that could then be acted upon and developed… then please participate.

As outlined… this will be an open project that aims to support and examine ideas by those who are interested in setting up groups; who already organise together and want to share work practices and experience; or simply want to further declare and engage on issues.

It’s very short notice I know, but just in case you might be interested/ available for this preliminary event… please let me know... or just turn up at Five Years (3-4 June 2017 Sat & Sun 1-6pm)

Please pass this on to anyone who might be interested

Edward Dorrian (Five Years)





The project is in final draft planning, but it is intended that a publication and programme of events will be presented at Five Years (other venues pending) 12-27 May 2018. A finalised timetable of deadlines, terms and conditions will be posted at the end of June 2017.

Proposals will be particularly welcome that attempt to radically interpret participatory activities and question organisational models of public events (including workshops, talks, reading groups, religious and political groups, performances, walks, exhibits, conferences, groups for and by: local residents, workers, artists, school children, academics, researchers, designers, etc. ie anyone)

All proposals will be accepted where contributors are willing to publicly discuss/ respond to their proposed published material, in actu - as part of the programme of events.


Unit 2B1 | Boothby Road | Archway, London | N19 4AJ
info@fiveyears.org.uk | www.fiveyears.org.uk | twitter | Facebook

Edward Dorrian (Five Years) will be in the space at Five Years (3-4 June 2017) to discuss ideas and queries around this open project before its posting at the end of June 2017.

If anyone wants to talk/ present (informally) in the gallery at Five Years (Sat or Sun 3,4 June 2017) then please come to the space (3-4 June 2017 Sat & Sun 1-6pm) or email any queries to

edward-dorrian@fiveyears.org.uk by 2 June 2017




a preliminary event
Five Years: 3,4 June 2017 Sat, Sun 1-6pm


  1. Out of this same light, out of the central mind
    We make a dwelling in the evening air
    In which being together is enough.

  2. We have to organize a new trend in politics beyond the law of places and the centralisation of power. And in fact, we have to find a form of action where the political existence of everybody is not separated from their being -

  3. Yes, we have to build a new dwelling, a new house, where ‘being together is enough’. But for that, we must change our mind (‘out of the central mind’) and change the light. And for that, with the help of new forms of art, we must go into an action without places.


[1.]_Wallace Stevens, ‘Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour’, in The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965) p524_[2.]_Alain Badiou ‘Drawing: On Wallace Stevens’, in The Age of the Poets (Verso 2014) p 82_[3.]_Ibid.