2nd May Saturday 12-2pm
Paul Anthony Tarragó
Unsolicited literature
The usual route: they tumble through the letterbox and head straight to recycling: the unrequested, the unwanted. Pizza ads, estate agents telling you about interested buyers + recent sales, cab firm cards (with small calendars on the back) etc. And occasionally, slightly more intriguingly: faith healers, photographers of auras, political parties you’ve never heard of asking for your support…
For one month I SHALL NOT BIN and instead welcome the chance deliveries. They shall become our anthology of inessential reading
For seventy five minutes we shall pay attention and read, then discuss, the unwanted, the ignored. They will have their time + our scrutiny.
Q. Do I need to bring my own leaflets along?
A. You can if you wish but it’s not essential.
Q. Do you mean the leaflets the postie delivers or the stuff from the other people?
A. At the moment I’m thinking the other people, and about them too.
Q. Is this a serious endeavour?
A. Is that a serious question?
Q. I don’t have a letter-box.
A. That’s not really a question.
Contact: Paul Anthony Tarragó