Elemental Bias
Melissa Manfull
17-25 June 2017

Closing Event: Friday 23 June 6-9pm
Performance Saturday 17 June 10am-1pm
(Meet at Hampstead Heath Dog Pond)

Gallery hours Saturdays and Sundays 1-6pm
Open by appointment during the week: 07843 287 286

The exhibition will explore the relationship between mapping a place at a moment in time and the unseen network of systems operating just beyond our perception in the same setting. An ongoing drawing installation in the gallery space will will seek connections between systemic movement, endurance hallucinations, natural patterning, and synthetic grids as a way of understanding our natural environment.

Hiking Cult presents a walk through Hampstead Heath inspired by W. G. Sebald’s Rings of Saturn and the game Morpion Solitaire, Individual participants will create a synthetic mapping system through movement and drawing onto the natural landscape.

Melissa Manfull is an artist based in Los Angeles. Drawing, Endurance and natural psychedelic phenomenon are intertwined in her work She is the leader of an artist hiking group called Hiking Cult which explores the wilderness around Southern California through guided hikes, performances and events.



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