Esther Planas and Tuesday-029

During this sunny summer days, till the end of September I will be receiving visits or appearances by any one who write a message and get an appointment with me to be entered at the secret garden back yard at Donlon Books in Broadway Market site ...... you maybe also go and maybe happen to see her or her and whoever is sharing time there too.
As an Anti-Eve about the Garden of Eden , I will offer to bite at the tree of Knowledge and Doubt , action and participation of all kind of sinful occidental philosophic temptations .....including Tuesday 029.

Tuesday 029 is an entity that appears when unexpected and will manifest its presence integrating whatever situation we find ourselves to be in to.There you will be briefed further about the encounter ........

The Dialogue is how its structured , Tuesday 029 has voices , has members and has opinions . We believe in Conversation and exercise it all along our practices or even as our main one like now and here. Plato liked in Dialogues , Foucault sees and guides …

Five Years: Fragments publication
Showroom Launch